Social media monitoring

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With Social Defender, you possess multiple options allowing you to effectively control your social media presence. Increase your responsiveness, create a voice for your brand, realize important issues, assign jobs to your team, outsource social media if you wish, and present your findings using key analytics.

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Social Media Management

Modern users are not easily influenced by classic advertising techniques. Social media networks have given consumers the ability to share experiences and opinions to practically anyone who will listen. Your consumer is now your best advertiser. How does Social Defender help your business adapt to this change?

Social Defender is a unique social media management tool that will help your business:

Listen and Engage – Learn who is talking about you online and who the key influencers are. Fully understand the health of your brand online by monitoring numerous social media accounts. Engage with your target when and where it can make a difference.

Manage Multiple Accounts – Create integrated social media marketing plans using Social Defender by controlling all brands, pages, and social networking accounts in one area. Manage multiple accounts on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs and many more.

Develop Social Teams/Staff – Unlike other social media monitoring tools, Social Defender gives you the ability to appoint and schedule team members to specific days and times, along with the option of creating individual logins and permissions. We include this feature so that you may increase your social media efficiency without threatening your account security. This way, someone can always be watching over your brand using the workflow rules set by you.

Measure Efforts – The tools provided so far are very beneficial but in order to plan ahead and develop conclusions from these efforts, your brand needs some concrete data. Detailed analytic reports can help you gauge overall social media efforts to develop future marketing strategies. Social Defender provides reports based on imperative information such as feedback, statuses, customer sentiment, and comment sources.

Interested in using these tools to help your business? Click here to get started with Social Defender.