Entertainment Companies Grow Social Media Efforts
with Social Defender
A client featuring over 40 world-class "Soul and Blues" acts performing on multiple indoor stages, takes advantage of the Social Defender platform to notify thousands of fans and users within the music industry of upcoming events and once-in-a-lifetime collaborations between many artists. Based in Las Vegas and featuring many well-known festivals throughout the year, this client has seen a dramatic improvement in reducing spam and fan engagement. According to the client, the built-in customer sentiment analytics also confirm a 14% positive increase from the previous year.
In 2003, a large television network produced a multimedia initiative to end human trafficking and modern slavery, including labor trafficking. Through television programs, online content, live events, and partnerships with anti-trafficking organizations, the network continuously expands its commitment to social issues and human rights. To further support and manage this campaign for freedom, the brand uses Social Defender to manage various social media accounts such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google+ and numerous blogs.
This client came to Social Defender looking for a way to easily manage all channels while engaging audiences. As a social communications platform innovator, Social Defender was able to deliver that and more. By making sure recent news and updates reach audiences at specific times, the social media team became more productive in managing these accounts while ensuring messages were kept consistent across all major social channels.
Social Defender is the only marketing listening platform to offer busenesses a workfolw module. Founded in 2010, Social Defender strives to provide a valuable platfom for business to efficiently control and managesocial media efforts. Built-in account management and analytical tools provide immediate access and key insights to all feedback, blogs, posts and reviews through social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, G+, Tumbler, Blogger and more. Developed by a team of experienced programmers and social media specialists, Social Defender was featured as a promising startup at Tech Cocktail, Chicago Techweek and at the Chicago innovation Awards.
A Michigan-based agency, providing advertising services for clients within the music industry, subscribed to Social Defender to successfully promote events such as concerts, parties, and musical promotions through social channels. With hopes to fuel and maintain enthusiasm for events, the agency was able to incorporate Social Defender within everyday execution to accomplish a 36% decrease in response time and 8% increase in positive Facebook comments and responses. Dedicated to upholding more than satisfactory service, the agency was also pleased with the increase in employee productivity and time saved by using the platform, opposed to individually managing accounts.