Social media monitoring

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With Social Defender, you possess multiple options allowing you to effectively control your social media presence. Increase your responsiveness, create a voice for your brand, realize important issues, assign jobs to your team, outsource social media if you wish, and present your findings using key analytics.

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Social Media Engagement

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Social media has become an important outlet of communication for consumers. Your business is expected to be accessible and responsive.

With Social Defender’s Social Media Engagement tool, you can reach consumers while displaying your brand’s unique personality.

Understand Your Target Market
You are not just selling products and services. By monitoring social media, you are also selling your brand’s values and attentiveness. Listen to the information your target provides, weigh in with responses, ignite reaction, gain attention and identify with your customers to gain leads.

Conduct Research
In order to communicate effectively with your customers, keep track of market trends and your brand’s buzz factor. Keep an eye on your competitors and the industry as a whole.

Establish Your Brand’s Presence
Prove that your business is willing and able to maintain relationships, take initiative and effectively interact with customers on multiple networks. Benefits of social media engagement can include increased loyalty, leads, satisfaction, positive word of mouth and improved brand perception.